textitAb Initio Investigation on Exciton-phonon Interaction and Exciton Mobility in Black Phosphorene


Black phosphorene (BP) is an emerging two-dimensional material that has potentially wide applications in nano- and optoelectronics. Despite the strong excitonic effects observed in few-layer BP, there is still a lack of understanding regarding exciton-phonon (ex-ph) interaction and exciton mobility. In this work, using GW plus real-time Bethe-Salpeter equation approach, it is revealed that the out-of-plane acoustic phonon mode ZA , and the optical phonon modes A1g and A2g couple strongly with the exciton. Among them, the A2g mode has a uniquely significant influence on the oscillator strength. Driven by these ex-ph interactions, the exciton becomes more localized accompanied with strengthened binding and the absorption spectrum undergoes a notable renormalization at 300 K. In the framework of deformation potential theory, the exciton mobility of monolayer BP (MLBP) is found to be largely suppressed compared to the free-charge carriers, showing quasi-one-dimensional character. This work provides rich knowledge of ex-ph interaction and exciton mobility in MLBP at the ab initio level, offering insights for the understanding and controlling the exciton behavior in BP-based devices.

Physical Review B
Tian Xirui
Tian Xirui
Master Degree Candidate
Zheng Qijing
Zheng Qijing
Associate Professor
Jiang Xiang
Jiang Xiang
Zhao Jin
Zhao Jin
Professor of Physics