Time- and Momentum-resolved Image-potential States of 2H-MoS$_2$ Surface


Rydberg-like image potential states (IPSs) form special series surface states on metal and semiconducting surfaces. Here, using time-resolved and momentum-resolved multi-photon photoemission (mPPE), we measured the energy positions, band dispersion, and carrier lifetimes of IPSs at the 2H-MoS2 surface. The energy minima of the IPSs (n = 1 and 2) were located at 0.77 and 0.21 eV below the vacuum level. In addition, the effective masses of these two IPSs are close to the rest mass of the free electron, clearly showing nearly-free-electron character. These properties suggest a good screening effect in the MoS2 parallel to the surface. The multi-photon resonances between the valence band and IPS (n = 1) are observed, showing a k‖-momentum-dependent behavior. Our time-resolved mPPE measurements show that the lifetime of photoexcited electrons in the IPS (n = 1) is about 33 fs.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Jiang Xiang
Jiang Xiang
Zheng Qijing
Zheng Qijing
Associate Professor
Zhao Jin
Zhao Jin
Professor of Physics